1. Will the Earth stop spinning?

It will not. This is the theory of some individuals; however, it is not necessary for the Earth to stop spinning for the effects we will see and experience to occur. For example, when the crust and mantle decouple due to the induced heating of the mantle and crust, it will appear that the Sun or Moon stood still, as predicted and implied by historical stories.

2. Has the timeline of the reversal occurring between the late 2030’s to early 2040’s moved up?

No, we will continue to see evidence, such as pink Auroras as the shorter wavelengths penetrate deeper into the atmosphere. We will see more evidence of satellite issues or even internet latency and cell phone connection problems, all this is expected. Remember, as the magnetosphere continues to weaken, the probability of our electric grids being taken out increases, especially if we continue to prognosticate protecting them. At some point, most likely far in advance of the reversal, we will lose our electric grids.

3. Is there any evidence of past disasters having crustal shifts?

Yes, there is. The evidence includes the alternating magnetic positioning of rocks, alternating fossil deposition, as well as the presence of plants and animals adapted to both cold and warm environments. We can find a large trove of evidence and data supporting this.

4. Should we expect fires and structural damage from induced currents caused by Solar flares?

Yes, just like the 1859 Carrington Event that started fires in telegraph offices, we should keep in mind that our magnetosphere was strong back then. A Carrington-level event would be much worse now and in the future.

5. Can we trust NASA data and images?

Sparingly, many have a political bend or twist to them. NASA has been much like some of our higher institutions of learning: they were firmly attached to past doctrines. Just like turning a battleship, change is not a redeeming quality for them. The mainstream theories of the past have been heavily invested in. Remember, finally getting some organizations to acknowledge the evidence of the various sun cycles was painful, to say the least. The number of institutions that support this today is overwhelming, and NASA is finally coming along now.

6. Will there be any electricity after the Flip / Nova event?

No! If nothing else, the horrific earthquakes will take out any power generation facilities. Hopefully, there will be some way to store transformers and equipment to begin producing equipment and power, but it will be a very, very long process.

7. How long will we have to remain underground or overhead cover?

Not likely for very long. The determining factors will be if the flash (Nova) occurs over your part of the world and whether the debris from the shell lands in your area. You do not want to be underground if a waterfront covers your area as you could be trapped by the debris that will be left behind. There will be windstorms and lightning for a period of time afterward. Maybe weeks to months is the best estimate.

8. To avoid induction burning out electronics, can you shelter them underground?

No, they would still be exposed, they would still have to be inside a grounded faraday cage to prevent damage.

9. How will the Nova affect implanted devices such as pacemakers and medication pumps?

We cannot provide medical advice, but obviously anything with electronics will likely be affected, including pacemakers. Hip implants and other metallic parts are made from titanium alloys. While they are metallic, they are not very conductive. Remember, for induction to have an effect, the material must be conductive. The concern should be more from the perspective of a direct lightning strike.

10. Are there observable changes taking place that indicate the main event is coming?

There are events such as Pluto’s atmospheric collapse, storm reversals on Neptune, and increased seismic activity on Mars. There are also temperature changes, but the most noticeable ones are the increase in energetic neutral atoms, interstellar pickup ions, and interstellar dust. We are observing changes in the Sun’s magnetic fields and alterations in Helium production chemistry. The additional dust and Helium will cause the Sun to appear redder as time progresses.

11. Why do scientists say the last geomagnetic event (pole shift) occurred 600,000 to 700,000 years ago?

There is a difference between a full magnetic reversal and a geomagnetic excursion, with the latter being a rapid flip followed by a flip back in the next cycle. We see evidence of full magnetic reversals in remnants found on the ocean floor. We had the Gothenburg excursion 12,000 years ago, the Lake Mungo excursion 24,000 years ago, the Mono Lake excursion 36,000 years ago, the Laschamp excursion 48,000 years ago, and the Vostok excursion 60,000 years ago. The 12,000-year events actually have a greater impact on the biosphere than the events occurring every 6 to 700,000 years. There were also magnetic changes at half cycles 6,000 and 18,000 years ago.

12. What are some prep items to begin stocking?

Food and water, obviously, as well as seeds for planting crops. It’s also important to have flotation devices. There is strong evidence of cyclical deluges that can cover entire continents. If you are located further inland, hundreds of miles away from the coast, you may experience more of a surge rather than massive waves, which could increase your chances of survival. Additionally, firearms and ammunition, generators, and fuel are recommended for those at higher elevations.

13. What are solar forcing thresholds?

Essentially, think of it as a flood dike. Everything remains relatively normal until the water reaches the top of the barrier. At that point, as the water starts to spill over the dike, it also begins to erode the dike material, causing the flooding to rapidly accelerate. Similarly, as we approach the end, changes will accelerate up to 100 times as much.

14. Regarding the flip, why does Greenland go south, rather than over the pole?

This is related to the distribution of ice weight and the centrifugal force that pulls the heaviest weight towards the equator. Antarctica is also influenced by this force, directing it towards the equator. The new poles will be located in Indonesia and just west of Peru & Ecuador.

15. Why are there so many chemtrails, and what is the reason behind them?

There are not as many chemtrails as people think. Much of what is observed is vapor condensation and expansion caused by aircraft. Chemtrails make up about 5% of what most people witness. Additionally, there is an increase in water vapor in the atmosphere due to climate change caused by the weakening magnetic field. Some actual chemtrails consist of spraying aluminum particles and other substances, which can aid in the detection of spy craft and other objects through various military radars and technologies. Furthermore, there are also sinister weather modification efforts being attempted.

16. Will the poles of other planets flip as well?

Some could, but it is not expected to happen until the Nova event. When this event occurs, the electrical induction in the mantle and crust will be the mechanism that unlocks the zone in the middle of them. It is this mechanism, influenced by the weight of Greenland and Antarctica being pulled toward the equator, that precipitates the event on Earth.

17. What about the argument that stars require another smaller star to feed material to the primary star in order to create a nova?

This argument has been debunked by a plethora of evidence that definitively proves it is not required. Many stars undergo a nova event without a binary companion. We have witnessed numerous examples of such events occurring without the presence of a feeder star.

18. What will the Nova of our Sun look like?

It would be anyone’s guess. There is no way to know for sure, but we can see other potential examples in space. Here is an example:    

A sample of a Nova event:
A Nova will be a tamer version of a Nova

19. How much has Earth’s magnetic field weakened up until now in 2023?

We have to estimate. From 1859 to 2000, we lost approximately 10% of our field. Ten years later, in 2010, the European Union’s SWARM Mission updated that figure to 15%, meaning we lost 10% in about 150 years and then an additional 5% in just a decade. Therefore, as of 2023, we are likely down 20% or 25% if there hasn’t been another acceleration of field loss.

20. When will it become noticeable that we are approaching the event due to weather, volcanoes, and earthquakes?

We might be observing some of these signs already, such as animals deviating from their migratory routes and an increased frequency of volcanic activity. Certainly, when we reach 30-35% weakening, we will witness a more pronounced impact. Additionally, the occurrence of pink Auroras indicates that our magnetic field is now permitting energetic particles to penetrate deeper into our atmosphere.

21. Will we see hallucinations and behavioral changes in humans during the excursion or Nova?

Since we know that electrical and magnetic fields can impact humans, it is probably safe to assume that there will be some effects. However, it is difficult to speculate on the severity. The extent of these effects will also depend on various factors, such as location and other variable conditions.

22. If you are not under the flash of the Nova, if a piece of the shell does not hit you, or if the land mass beneath you does not sink into the ocean and you are essentially lucky, what other challenges could arise?

There will likely be severe lightning, hail, very strong winds, tornadoes, food shortages, floods, cold temperatures, heatwaves, and massive earthquakes.

23. What causes the Solar Nova?

The number one way we know it is triggered is through the accumulation of material in the outer atmosphere (corona) of the star, specifically our sun. These are additional particles from the galactic sheet, potentially amplified by a decrease in solar output and diminished luminosity, which should be limited by the increased dust in the corona. Visualize the way pressure builds in a pot of boiling water when a lid is placed on top. Another factor could be that after the galactic magnetic reversal, the Sun becomes more active, rather than experiencing reduced electrical activity, luminosity, or solar wind output. In reality, it could be one or all of these effects.

24. How bad is this Nova-Pole Reversal event going to be?

Probably not as bad as the last one: not as bad as Laschamp 48,000 years ago, and not as bad as Toba, 70,000+ years ago. What we do know from the geologic record is that there are major climate shifts, volcanoes, and earthquakes every single time this 12,000-year event occurs, along with major extinctions and biosphere events. The good news is that there are no two horrible cycles in a row, and the last one, Gothenburg, 12,000 years ago, was bad—this was the Younger Dryas event. After the worst event we have seen, only 4% of the species were lost.

25. Which areas of the world are going to be hit the worst?

The side facing the Sun will be the worst affected. This side experiences the solar flash, followed by the impactors and debris approximately 16-18 hours later. The evidence indicates that these occurrences are not random and seem to follow a pattern, shifting to a new position each time. In the previous event, the Americas and Western Asia were the hardest hit, while the time before that saw significant impact in the Atlantic Ocean, Greenland, parts of Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand. The next areas expected to experience the most severe impact should be longitudes including Europe and Africa, as well as the West Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand. The reason for this pattern is still unknown; however, the evidence strongly suggests this trend.

26. How deep underground do you need to be for protection?

The depth required for protection depends on the type of material above you. For instance, rock provides better protection compared to dirt. The purpose of being underground is to shield yourself from the initial flash and subsequent smaller impactors for a short period of time. In less severe areas, seeking shelter inside a well-built home could be effective. However, when other elements such as strong winds, temperature swings, lightning, and hail come into play, you will need a form of effective shelter that depends on your location in relation to the flash or impactors, as well as the type of shelter available.

27. How about being on a boat in the ocean when the event occurs?

Being out in the ocean, rather than on a beach where the large waves hit, is better. However, it’s not a good idea at all to be in the ocean. It is very difficult to say and impossible to predict. Other than saying that, I would not do it.

28. How will you cope with super gale winds that are hundreds of miles per hour, as some have stated will occur?

This will not occur. This question arises from the fact that the Earth rotates at around 1,017 mph at the equator. However, if the crust were to decouple, the spinning would instantly stop while the wind would continue onward at 1,000 mph. The decoupling process between the mantle and crust would be more like a slippage, rather than instantaneous. Instead, you would experience a gradual slippage. What we will witness are massive earthquakes as the decoupling occurs, unlike anything you have seen in your lifetime. There will be volcanoes, plate thrusting, land upheavals, and multiple tsunamis. Even Hollywood would likely struggle to surpass the magnitude of these effects.

29. How will you cope with super gale winds that are hundreds of miles per hour, as some have stated will occur?

This will not occur. This question arises from the fact that the Earth rotates at around 1,017 mph at the equator. However, if the crust were to decouple, the spinning would instantly stop while the wind would continue onward at 1,000 mph. The decoupling process between the mantle and crust would be more like a slippage, rather than instantaneous. Instead, you would experience a gradual slippage. What we will witness are massive earthquakes as the decoupling occurs, unlike anything you have seen in your lifetime. There will be volcanoes, plate thrusting, land upheavals, and multiple tsunamis. Even Hollywood would likely struggle to surpass the magnitude of these effects.

30. How did we know the Earth’s rotation speed would increase?

Answer: In 2020, Earth experienced its fastest rotation, which became even faster in 2021 and 2022. With the loss of the magnetic shield, we would anticipate its acceleration to persist.

31. Is the Nova referred to in the Bible or other religions?

Yes, it is mentioned in almost all religions and various disaster narratives. These accounts describe days of darkness with fire raining from the sky. Depending on one’s position on Earth, stars may appear to disappear. The Sun would grow dark due to the ejection of its outer shell. Additionally, earthquakes and massive lightning are often described in these narratives.

32. Why do we not receive regular updates anymore on the weakening magnetic field?

This is likely because scientists observed the Magnetosphere weakening, and its acceleration began in 2010 and 2015. It is probable that this alarmed higher authorities, leading to pressure being exerted to keep the information confidential. It is highly unlikely that further updates on the weakening magnetic field will be provided, as there is fear of causing panic. The EU SWARM agency has already declared that they will not furnish any more updates. However, they will continue to provide the location of the poles for navigation purposes.

33. When will people start planting food after the disaster?

This is a challenging question to answer as we are uncertain about the severity and duration of the weather conditions, as well as the magnetic situation. The most suitable approach would likely be to stagger your planting, covering a wide range of plant growth cycles. It may take some time for people to become familiar with the proper planting cycles. Obtaining accurate knowledge about this could potentially take years.

34. What is a bug out worthy event?

A bug-out-worthy event refers to global GPS or near GPS failures. If your phone indicates that you are in a different state, region, or country, it would become a newsworthy event, indicating a large-scale occurrence. This situation would suggest that the magnetic field has commenced a rapid shift, surpassing the capabilities of the data stream to keep up with reality. Additionally, if all air traffic were suddenly grounded without a valid reason, or worse, if planes started falling from the sky, it would be highly concerning. Another significant concern would be if we observed an X-20 or greater solar flare directly aimed at Earth. Similarly, if we experienced three or four X-10 solar flares directed at us, it would be a grave situation. Furthermore, a super-volcano event would serve as another trigger indicating that something significant is about to happen.

35. How did creatures like Mammoths freeze so quickly in the last event?

Scientists have extensively studied this phenomenon but have been unable to determine how such large creatures could freeze so rapidly while still maintaining partially digested food in their stomachs. One proposed process is the interaction of electron and proton plasma, which has been identified as a potential cause. However, another theory suggests that during a solar flash event, the Sun-facing side of the Earth would have its atmosphere partially blasted away, resulting in the atmosphere on the opposite side of the planet rushing forward to achieve equilibrium. In this case, basic thermodynamics would come into play. When the pressure of a system decreases, so does the temperature, which could lead to flash freezing on the back side of the Earth. Please find the paper below:

Plasma-Induced Surface Cooling Paper

Ultrafast Electron Cooling in an Expanding Ultracold Plasma paper

36. How deep should you install a water well pump?

There is no definitive answer to this question because it depends on the varying induced currents that are generated in the ground. The depth will be influenced by factors such as the type of material in which the pump is installed and the specific location. The areas near the magnetic equator and the aurora will generally experience higher levels of induced current.

37. When can we expect the Nova event and flip to occur?

The main event, the Nova, is estimated to most likely happen in the late 2030s or early 2040s.

38. How certain are we about the 12,000-year cycle?

The evidence we have suggests that there is an approximate 12,000-year interval between these events. However, the exact duration is not the crucial factor, as we are witnessing multiple indicators of an impending event. These signs include the weakening magnetic field, the accumulation of solar dust, nearby stars shedding their outer layers, and our entry into the galactic sheet, among others. Realistically, the cycle may not adhere precisely to the 12,000-year mark, as it could vary slightly based on intervals within the galactic sheet.

39. What should we expect for Hawaii?

Hawaii could potentially be an extremely dangerous place to be. The region may experience massive tsunamis and waves due to the event. The arc discharge is likely to occur in the Pacific area, and the volcanic activity is expected to be unprecedented.

40. Why is UV radiation not increasing if we are losing the magnetic field?

Light (photons) behaves differently from particle radiation and is filtered in distinct ways. While we are observing a slight increase, it is not yet significant. However, when we begin to witness leaves falling, a decline in insect population, and sunburns occurring in shorter time frames, it will indicate that trouble is imminent.

41. CERN has extremely powerful magnets. Could we utilize something similar to protect the Earth?

The magnetic field generated by CERN magnets is fundamentally different from the Earth’s magnetic field, and the magnetic field of CERN-type magnets extends only a few inches. If you were to move even a short distance away from them, you would likely not be able to detect the field.

43. Is there a difference between the Sun and the Earth being in different positions in the galactic current sheet?

No, both the Sun and the Earth, along with all the other planets in our solar system, are already situated within the current sheet.

44. What is the time difference between the Nova and the crustal displacement?

They occur simultaneously. The Nova event is responsible for unlocking the crust from the mantle by heating the low-velocity zones and inducing the slippage necessary for the crust to shift.

45. Will lakes be affected by the movement of the mantle?

Yes, all bodies of water will experience the impact. The magnitude of the waves will depend on the size and depth of the water, as well as the acceleration of the crust.

46. Will we lose part of our atmosphere due to the Nova?

Yes, a portion of our atmosphere will be stripped away. However, there will be some compensation through outgassing from the land masses and equilibrium between the hemispheres. In theory, this process can also contribute to flash freezing on the night side of the Earth.

47. Will land masses rise and sink during this event?

Yes, the induced currents in the mantle will cause chaos due to the presence of iron in it.  When the crust begins moving, not all areas will have the same coefficient of friction. Additionally, the area between the mantle and crust are not smooth planes but are rather rugged. The short answer, it could be utter chaos depending on geography.

48. How can things evolve (random mutations) in 12,000 years?

Our DNA does experience mutations over time, and most of them are destructive mutations. What you will observe are not species changes but rather species modifications. For instance, red foxes may emerge when previously only gray foxes existed.

49. Why are pole positions noted in the same place going back millions and millions of years?

There is evidence, such as fossils and core samples, that indicates the Earth has rotated its position and then returned to the same location during these events. As a result, there should be fossil evidence, which we have observed. However, there is no evidence of a continuous magnetic field.

50. How can the Moon remain so close over time since it is receding a couple of centimeters per year?

There is a theory that during magnetic reversals, the Moon actually moves closer to Earth. Similar to how satellites are affected by the Sun’s CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) and can fall from orbit, the Moon experiences a similar effect due to solar blasts. Please find the relevant link below:

The Edward Leedskalnin Theory

51. Does it seem like the government is trying to distract us?

Yes, and they will continue to do so. They cannot afford to have the world realize what is coming, as it could lead to chaos. They are likely afraid that as the event approaches, there would be a depletion of supplies and resources that would be redirected away from them. Of course, it is known that they have desired to reduce the Earth’s population for many decades. There was a deliberate and concerted effort to keep this information hidden.

52. What is the evidence that the Earth actually flips roughly 90 degrees during a magnetic reversal?

In the book “The Origin, Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th/72nd Reconnaissance Squadron” by Ken White, he presents the documents from the Pentagon meeting and the Rand Corporation analysis. These documents reveal that just beneath the surface ice, there are intervals of polar fossils, followed by tropical fossils, and then polar fossils again, repeating in a cycle of approximately 12,000 years. This evidence suggests that the Earth undergoes a flip every 12,000 years and then returns to its previous orientation in the subsequent cycle.

53. Why are the magnetic poles moving, yet we have not had the tilt yet?

The movement of the magnetic poles is not directly linked to the tilt. Currently, there is a thermo-electrical equilibrium that keeps the crust connected to the mantle, preventing the tilt from taking effect. We will only witness the tilt when this equilibrium is disrupted or when the magnetic impact of the Solar Nova occurs (both of which will likely happen around the same time). Until then, regardless of the movement of the magnetic poles, they remain locked in their current position.

54. After the disaster and money becomes useless, what can be used for trade or barter?

Items such as sugar, salt, food, bullets, alcohol, cigarettes, and so on can be valuable for trading or bartering. However, it’s important to be cautious of people you encounter during the initial weeks after the disaster. They may be starving, desperate, and traumatized, willing to do anything to obtain food. The best approach would be to wait and observe who is able to sustain themselves (those who were prepared) so that you can ensure they won’t harm you for your supplies. For instance, waiting for about 6 months to a year allows you to identify groups that are surviving well, making it safer to engage in bartering and trade.

55. Will subduction zones hold the plates in position?

No, we know that there are fragments of the current plates that have broken off and become lodged deeper down. It will be impossible for these areas to prevent buckling.

56. What is the best evidence of the Solar Nova?

The best evidence of the Solar Nova includes phenomena such as volcanoes, major climate shifts, and the disappearance of species. The Nova is responsible for producing isotopes that cannot be generated without the energies characteristic of a Nova event. Even an asteroid impact lacks the necessary heat and compression to produce these isotopes. Additionally, the time it would take for isotopes to arrive from other star systems would exceed their half-life limits, confirming that they must have been produced within our solar system. We have knowledge of various solar cycles, including 11 years, 5.9 months, 200 years, 88 years, and even longer cycles such as the 3,000-year and 6,000-year Superflare cycles that eventually lead to the 12,000-year cycle, where a Nova occurs.

57. When will the Sun turn red or darken?

There won’t be much advance notice, possibly only 1-3 days before the Nova event. This information is derived from mythical and historical stories that have been passed down over time. Additionally, there are scientific papers that describe the dimming process as dust accumulates in the outer regions of the Sun. There might also be a reference in the Bible. Revelation 6:12-17 could potentially be describing this very process.

58. What happens after the darkening of the Sun?

Following the darkening of the Sun, there will be a massive flash that includes x-rays, gamma rays, visible light, and ultraviolet radiation. In the next few hours, there will be an increase in cosmic rays and energetic particles, primarily electrons and protons, which will be directed towards the magnetic poles at that time. Roughly 16-18 hours later, the shell containing heavier isotopes such as Helium and congealed plasma impactors will arrive. Impactors are observed during every Nova event. However, those who propose that impactors alone caused the events fail to explain the presence of isotopes that cannot be solely attributed to the impactors.

59. When does the new ice age begin?

The new ice age begins immediately after the Nova event. The Sun’s blast will strip away the atmosphere on the side of the Earth facing the Sun, resulting in the evaporation of massive amounts of ocean water. This process will significantly reduce atmospheric pressure, leading to flash freezing. Additionally, there will be a substantial amount of water vapor in the existing atmosphere, which will quickly transform into snow and ice. The Earth’s atmosphere and the space between the Sun and Earth will contain a significant amount of dust, contributing to an extended period of cold temperatures.

60. How long will the cold last after the Nova event?

Based on the geological evidence and oral history that has been passed down, the cold period following the Nova event is not expected to last long. There should be frequent Superflares occurring almost daily, which will help warm the Earth. It is possible that the cold spell will only persist for a matter of weeks or months as these additional flares disperse the solar dust and atmospheric dust present in the Earth’s atmosphere.

61. How does the Earth stop spinning?

It is highly unlikely that the Earth will stop spinning. While there are some who believe it will, drawing from religious texts and other factors, the kinetic energy stored within the Earth’s mass is incredibly vast. It would require an equivalent amount of time to return to 24-hour days if the Earth were to stop its rotation.

62. Why do so many people seem to have brain fog?

The prevalence of brain fog can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, our brains function as electrical machines, making them susceptible to the influence of magnetic fields, which can significantly impact brain function. Additionally, radiation exposure can also have a major effect on brain function. Unfortunately, brain fog experienced by some individuals may also be linked to the side effects of the Covid-19 injections.

63. Is the main event timeline moving up?

No, the timing remains unchanged. We will continue to observe evidence indicating its approach, but such evidence only validates the process and does not necessarily impact the timing. As time progresses, we should anticipate that the events will become increasingly severe.

64. Will any of the effects have an impact on our lifestyle in the coming years?

Most likely, the most visible and impactful event could be the loss of our electrical grids due to a powerful Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), which would damage our power generation ability, fry electronics, affect medical devices, and cause fires in buildings and factories. It’s possible that we may witness localized events before a worldwide event that essentially throws us back into the dark ages. Those who are unprepared will not survive for long. Humans cannot survive for more than a week without water. If we fail to harden our grids against EMPs, projections show that 60% of the population would be dead within the first 3 weeks, and 90% of our population would be dead within the first year.

65. Is there evidence of past events involving crustal shifts?

Yes, there is substantial evidence in fossil records that alternate between warm and cold environments. Plants emerge and disappear between these events. Ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica also bear evidence of these alternating changes.

66. Will we see structure fires from a major solar event?

Yes, definitely. We know that in 1859, during “The Carrington Event,” which was a major solar flare, telegraph wires melted and there were fires in telegraph offices. They could unplug the telegraphs, and the telegraph terminals continued to operate. However, that event was relatively small compared to a Nova or even a very strong flare with a weakened magnetic shield, which we currently have and it continues to weaken.

68. Will we have energy after the Nova?

Most likely, no power generation will survive, especially on the Sun-facing side of the initial blast. It is possible that our Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s) will continue to have power and could possess pre-manufactured transformers, wiring, and other supplies to initiate the lengthy process of restoring power to the world. This, of course, assumes they are not permanently trapped deep underground due to the monstrous earthquakes caused by the crustal slippage.

70. Could flooding the ionosphere with electrical charges provide protection?

No, it would amplify the weather and create electric arcs to the ground. This idea has been suggested by numerous people familiar with the HAARP arrays, but it is not a viable option.

71. Is the Sun pulsing as we move into the weakening magnetic field? Are people taking pictures where the Sun appears to pulse?

No, this is due to the auto camera adjustment trying to compensate for the direct sunlight from the Sun hitting the lens.

73. Are pink auroras normal? We are beginning to see them.

No, definitely not. This indicates that the particles are penetrating further into the atmosphere. It is a new phenomenon.

74. How will we survive this next event?

Some will definitely survive. The common denominators are altitude and underground shelters. Being a considerable distance away from coastlines and elevating above ground will be crucial. The shelter itself will also be important. The challenges we’ll face include strong winds, extreme cold, lightning, and heavy rain. There will be significant temperature fluctuations that you’ll need to protect yourself against.

75. How long will the Earth reside inside the current sheet?

The best estimate is between 150 to 300 years within the current sheet. It is suspected that the beginning of this cycle occurred in 1859 with the Carrington Event, and our magnetic field began to shift significantly. This would place us at the midpoint (2023), simply because we have not witnessed the Nova or the flip occurring yet. It would seem that the Nova and flip occur at the midpoint between the magnetic sheets. However, to clarify, we still project the actual main event to happen between the mid to late 2030s or early 2040s.

76. What can be expected from the oceans when the flip occurs?

The Pacific Ocean will continue to move east as the Earth beneath it slips, but when the mantle and crust relock, the Atlantic Ocean will shift westward, crossing back over the eastern side of the US. As this happens, it is anticipated that the wave front will sweep across the US, and only those residing in higher locations can expect to evade it.

77. Will it be safe in D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases)?

Highly unlikely. We will witness earthquakes unprecedented in modern history, making survival improbable. Firstly, there will be catastrophic shaking that will demolish most structures. Additionally, there will be the risk of underground water breaches, saturating tunnels. If individuals manage to survive, they may find themselves trapped without any possibility of escape.

78. What would be the best type of protection from flash, cosmic, and ultraviolet rays?

The best option would be a bunker constructed with concrete just below the Earth’s surface, ensuring easy access and egress. In the worst-case scenario, a basement with a secure roof above it would suffice. The roof should be made of non-flammable materials like tile or slate; metal roofs would not be suitable.

79. Are there flux tubes in the galactic current sheet, and if so, what is their function?

Yes, according to NASA, flux tubes do exist. They also exist between the Earth and the Sun, facilitating plasma exchange between the two. In the Galactic model, these flux tubes may serve as triggers for the 11-year sunspot cycles.

80. Will rainwater be safe to consume after the Nova?

Yes and no. There will be a significant amount of volcanic ash and pollutants in the air afterwards, so caution should be exercised. If possible, water purification should be used, and springs would be a good source of water. Remember, even if you don’t witness catastrophic effects where you are, you won’t know what has occurred just a few miles away.

81. Are canned foods at risk from solar induction?

They could be, depending on how they are stored. There is a possibility of arcing from induced currents. It would be advisable to store them in non-conductive containers. Additionally, glass or plastic jars would provide even better protection.

82. Will solar panels and power systems work after the disaster?

They are highly vulnerable to destruction. Unless they are taken offline and safely stored, they will become useless. Even as of now (2022), certain companies are removing solar panels installed on facility roofs due to the damage caused by current solar storms, with reports of fires occurring as well.

83. Will the Yellowstone Supervolcano explode?

No, there are now so many venting points that it would be difficult for enough pressure to build up and cause an eruption. Furthermore, a recent study has concluded that there is not enough material to trigger a supervolcano. Please find the paper below:  Please find the paper below:

Magma Accumulation at Depts of Prior Rhyolite Storage Beneath Yellowstone Caldera

84. How do we know if the Earth’s rotation would speed up?

This would likely occur with a weakening magnetic field, similar to how an electric motor slows down as the voltage is dropped.

85. Is there a connection between the unusual weather and our weakening magnetic field?

Absolutely. Not only does the weakening magnetic field allow more cosmic and UV radiation, but it also has an electrical effect on the jet stream, leading to its alteration.

86. What about the videos and images of animals and insects walking in circles around the Earth?

Is this being caused by the magnetic changes? ANSWER: It could very well be. We know that animals and insects navigate using the Earth’s magnetic field, and these changes could be at least partly responsible for these behaviors. Only time will tell for certain.

87. If the weight of ice on Greenland and Antarctica is what causes the Earth to tilt, why do we tilt back?

When the Earth tilts, the ice on those regions starts to melt. As a result, ice builds up on new polar land masses. When the crust unlocks in the future, the Earth tilts back again. This process is primarily driven by the weight of the ice. Albert Einstein theorized that the ice buildup could contribute to the tilt, but he was unaware of the mantle/crust unlocking mechanism that we now associate with the effects of the Nova.

89. What will happen to all the nuclear power plants during the weakening field?

It is not advisable to be located near nuclear plants given the events we are facing. In the event of a strong CME blast penetrating our magnetic protection, there is a risk of losing all or parts of our power grid. It could take longer to shut down nuclear plants than the warning received for an impact.

90. How does the Nova produce large material masses?

While some may perceive a star as merely a massive ball of extremely hot gas, it actually produces a wide range of elements such as gold, iron, aluminum, and various isotopes. These materials then come together and form larger masses once the star’s outer shell is expelled through the Nova event. It is worth noting that these isotopes serve as evidence that our Sun experiences Nova, as their half-life is too short for them to have traveled from another star to reach our Earth and Moon.

91. How many people will survive the disaster?

It is impossible to say. In previous events, there were very few survivors; however, it is important to consider that they did not have the tools or the warnings that we have today.

92. So, if the rich know about what is coming, why are they literally spending trillions of dollars on installing large projects, 5G, etc?

The global elite is primarily focused on maintaining control leading up to the event. They aim to secure as many resources as possible and identify the most favorable locations for themselves when the time arrives. Additionally, if they do not show concern, it helps prevent the general public from awakening to the situation. Ultimately, they would prefer as few of us as possible to be around when the time comes.

93. How high or at what elevation should people be when the mantle unlocks?

The answer largely depends on your specific location. If you are located along the coast, the initial wave resulting from the inertia of the water compared to the crust will be the largest. The slosh-back effect when the mantle/crust re-locks will be less severe. Depending on your location, the required elevation could be in the range of thousands or hundreds of feet. This event will primarily focus on the Atlantic, moving towards the east coast, and the Gulf Coast, moving towards Canada.

94. What will the world look like after the tilt event from a continental perspective?

The northern tip of Alaska will be situated on the equator, while the southern tip of Mexico and Florida will be located at the northern tip of Antarctica as it exists today. The entire North American continent will be tilted to the right by approximately 25 degrees. The equator will be slightly north of the center of Antarctica. Greenland will also be positioned at the equator. Australia will find itself in the center of the northern hemisphere, and Africa will be tilted on its western side within the middle of the northern hemisphere. Israel, in turn, will be situated near the Arctic Circle. During their expedition, Project Nanook confirmed the presence of alternating fossils from both tropical and arctic regions.

95. If there is no crustal shift at the 6,000-year half cycle, why do we experience huge floods during those cycles, such as the Noah event?

This phenomenon can be attributed to the absence of complete ice buildup during those times. It takes approximately 12,000 years for the ice depth to accumulate and reach the critical weight threshold during the Nova event. It’s important to remember that there are other solar flares occurring at the 500, 1,000, 1,500, 3,000, and 6,000-year intervals, as well as the 12,000-year Nova events. Please refer to the paper below for further details:  Please find the paper below:

Statistical Properties of Super flare on Solar-tyOkamoto 2021

96. What are the major cycles and strength of the Sun’s impact?

There are several major cycles of solar activity. These include the Superflare cycles, occurring every 150-200 years with an impact strength of X50; the 1,500-year cycle with an impact strength of X100; the 3,000-year cycle with an impact strength of X700; the 6,000-year cycle with an impact strength of X1,000. And, of course, there is the significant event known as the 12,000-year Solar Nova.

98. What will be the most dreadful aspect of the Nova event?

The most alarming aspect is likely to be the impact of the shell hitting the Earth, which could result in an arc discharge due to the electrification of the atmosphere. This discharge could resemble a magnetar-type discharge and possess enough power to melt large rocks. Based on the evidence we have gathered, it seems that the region facing the sun at the time of the event will be the West Pacific. It appears that this event moves westward with each new occurrence.

99. What are some signs of the weakening magnetosphere?

Firstly, there have been reports of individuals witnessing electric discharge from their fingertips due to ambient static electricity, particularly in high elevations and areas with very low humidity. Another indicator is the occurrence of pink Aurora, which typically necessitates a strong geomagnetic storm. If these events become more frequent, it serves as another sign of a weakening magnetosphere. Additionally, there is an increase in severe lightning, especially when it appears to originate from the ground and travel upwards into the atmosphere. Moreover, the phenomenon of Aurora moving further south from the North Pole and moving north from Antarctica is also noteworthy.

100. Is it a wise decision to replace shingle or flammable roofing materials with metal or clay?

No, it is not recommended to opt for a metal roof. It is actually preferable to have a non-metallic roof. Metal roofs make you more susceptible to CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) as they are conductive, unlike traditional tar shingles or clay-type materials, which are non-conductive. However, clay or non-flammable materials are superior when it comes to fire protection compared to tar or asphalt-based products.

101. Was the Global Seed Vault located in Norway to ensure proximity to the equator when the flip occurs?

Probably not. While there is an advantage to siting these vaults in extremely cold environments, particularly in the event of power grid failures caused by a massive CME (Coronal Mass Ejection), the primary consideration for the Global Seed Vault’s location in Norway was likely the country’s stable geology and political climate.

102. If the magnetic poles are shifting, why does my compass still point north?

Assuming you are in the United States, it is because the magnetic North Pole is currently moving approximately 180 degrees away from the US. As long as the direction remains unchanged relative to the US, your compass will continue to point north. However, if you are located in the UK, Hawaii, or any other location not 180 degrees opposite from the movement, you may notice a difference in the direction your compass points.

103. Will the oceans rise as the flash melts the snow in Greenland and Antarctica?

Not as much as you might expect. It’s important to consider that the flash event will cause a significant amount of water in the Sun-facing oceans to evaporate. This evaporated water will then contribute to the formation of the snowpack in new regions after the flip.

104. What will the climate and environmental safety be like after the flash?

The radiation levels will be severe, making it unsafe to stay outdoors until the magnetosphere has recovered. There will be minimal vehicles on the road, limited to those with pre-1984 electronics or protected systems. If you happen to have a functional vehicle, acquiring gasoline will pose a challenge. Travel will be greatly restricted. Additionally, expect blocked roads due to debris caused by strong winds and water damage.

105. Why are colleges and institutions not discussing the topic of reversal?

Those who have attempted to discuss it have faced social ostracization and have paid a significant academic price. On the other hand, individuals such as Doug Vogt of The Diehold Foundation have received confirmation that the government is utilizing their materials for their own planning purposes.

106. Why aren’t the geographic poles shifting with the changing magnetic poles?

The geographic poles will not change until the nova/supernova event, as the crust is unlocked from the mantle at the low-velocity zone. Then, the uneven weight distribution of Greenland and Antarctic ice will force the movement of those areas towards the equator. When that occurs, the geographic poles will change in approximately a day.

107. Will the star charts for navigation using stars become obsolete after the polar shift?

If you account for the difference between the old magnetic north and the new north, the charts will still be useful. It will take a long time before GPS can be rebuilt, as most, if not all, satellites will be damaged or destroyed. The space program would need to be reconstructed, and manufacturing would have to be completely rebuilt to support satellite production.

108. If the galactic current sheet is what triggers the 12,000-year nova, why do some stars appear to go off more frequently?

This is because we are aware of several conditions under which a nova can occur. The magnetic jolt within the galactic sheet, as well as the dust embedded in the sheet, contribute to this phenomenon. Another factor is the interaction between close binary systems, where the material released by the secondary star can cause the primary star to experience multiple novae. Additionally, it is assumed that dust clouds can provide enough material to trigger a nova as well.

109. How does a major superflare or nova unlock the crust and mantle?

The thin zone where the mantle and crust meet is locked in a thermoelectric interaction. When the nova or superflare occurs, it induces currents in this zone that disrupt this interaction and also heat up this area through induction. We are aware that solar storms currently induce currents on the surface of the Earth.

110. People are reporting loud booms, but so far, they have been unable to determine the source. What could they be?

There is no definite way to determine their origin, as they could be caused by various factors such as crustal fractures, thermal shock between different underground materials, or even large boring machines operating at great depths. It is important to consider that the known tunnels alone could accommodate tens of millions of people, and there may be even larger unacknowledged tunnels. Shockwaves generated during these processes can travel significant distances underground and may exhibit different effects when they encounter deep underground building foundations and similar structures. Additionally, governments are preparing for the magnetic shift and nova, so it is possible that various events are taking place.

111. Could we use super magnets, such as those used at CERN, to deflect the nova?

No, there is a significant disparity between supercooled electromagnets and the magnetosphere. Man-made magnets have a limited range, usually measured in inches, whereas the magnetosphere spans miles and possesses significantly greater power. Regrettably, there is nothing we can do to shield the Earth from what is forthcoming.

112. How long will it take before a superflare disrupts our power grids?

Normally, with a typical solar flare, we have 2-4 days before it reaches us, and then several hours before we start witnessing the effects of induced currents on our infrastructure. However, a superflare of Carrington-class magnitude could arrive in as little as an hour or two, leading to a resulting geomagnetic storm with induced currents building up within an hour or so. If we were to experience a superflare more powerful than a Carrington-level event, the onset could be even quicker, potentially causing a global coronal mass ejection (CME) that would impact everything. While the Sun-facing side would experience the most severe effects, the backside of the planet would also be affected as the blast loops back.

113. Will the particle spraying being conducted by the government provide any protection from these future events?

No, it will only offer minimal protection against cosmic radiation, but that’s about it.

114. Will Mars ever become habitable?

It is difficult to say. While there are indications of increased seismic activity, Mars is still far from being habitable. Numerous processes would need to occur, and it could take an extensive period of time before it could even begin to support life in any capacity. It is more practical to focus on protecting life on Earth and finding solutions to our current challenges through engineering and innovation.

115. Is the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum related to the Earth?

No, there is no evidence suggesting a correlation between Earth’s magnetic fields and those of the Sun during the Grand Solar Minimum.

116. What is the effect of the galactic current sheet hitting Earth?

The galactic current sheet is a rare occurrence that happens every 200-300 years, and it last impacted Earth in the 1800s, with the Carrington event in 1859 likely being the significant starting point. We are now witnessing similar effects on other planets in our solar system, indicating our reentry into this phenomenon. Additionally, we observe changes in the ionosphere and alterations in our rotation speed on Earth as a result.

117. If we experience cyclical disasters on Earth, how can we have such diverse species?

Currently, there are approximately 8.7 million species on the planet. When disasters occur, typically only a small number of species are lost, while new ones can emerge through radiation and cosmic ray-induced DNA damage. However, it’s important to note that the majority of DNA changes tend to be negative rather than positive. While there may be a significant reduction in the number of individuals within a species, the overall species itself remains largely intact.

118. Why is the Schumann resonance increasing?

Two factors contribute to this phenomenon: the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth, and lightning activity. As Earth’s magnetic field weakens, the solar wind can have a more significant impact on our planet, resulting in changes to the ionosphere, atmosphere, and overall electromagnetic conditions. It’s important to note that as the magnetosphere continues to weaken, it also allows for an increase in galactic cosmic rays, which directly correlates with a rise in lightning occurrences.

The Schumann resonance

119. Does the solar nova occur at the sunspot maximum or minimum?

It occurs at the sunspot minimum. During the sunspot maximum, any excess dust or material would either be blasted away or incorporated into the solar mass. A solar nova, on the other hand, takes place during a deep sunspot minimum, which is anticipated in the upcoming decade.

120. Will the UK be heavily affected in the next event?

It is highly likely, primarily due to its geographical location and the fact that it is surrounded by water. The resulting waves are expected to be enormous, and if an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) disrupts the power grid beforehand, the UK would be isolated from neighboring countries that could provide assistance in relief efforts. Additionally, considering the population density in the UK, the situation could potentially become quite chaotic.

121. How will Brazil fare during the pole shift?

Unfortunately, the outlook is not favorable. Assuming one survives the events preceding the shift, the aftermath will result in Brazil ending up in the Arctic tundra. Life in such conditions would be extremely challenging, if not impossible.

122. How about Alaska? What are the chances there?

The prospects for Alaska are relatively better after the event, particularly if electric power is disconnected beforehand. However, survival without electricity would be very challenging for the majority. With severed supply lines, the situation could become quite difficult if power is lost.

123. Will Missouri be a safe place?

There are few locations that would be immune to the potential impact of rising waters, and the New Madrid Fault could experience significant seismic activity, causing considerable disruption.

124. What are the major factors to consider when planning to live in a specific location before and after the events?

You should prioritize selecting a location that is far away from coastal areas, at high elevations, and away from the potential slosh back of oceans and lakes. Avoid areas near fault lines and volcanoes. Consider the possibility of power loss leading up to the shift and opt for low population areas to avoid competition for survival.

125. Is Ontario, Canada a safe place to be?

Ontario will be in a favorable location after the flip. However, if you experience a power outage before the flip, it could still be quite challenging, even if you are away from population centers.

126. What level of solar flare would be required to unlock the crust?

It would likely necessitate a solar flare of X-300 magnitude or higher. Even if it does not lead to a crustal shift, such an event would result in the disruption of global electric power infrastructure. The ensuing consequences, including widespread starvation and water shortages, could cause the loss of billions of lives.

127. Is there a safe altitude to be located?

The ideal elevation varies significantly based on location. Coastal areas would require higher altitudes that may not be achievable. Certain locations have minimal natural protection, while others located deep within continents tend to be safer. The specific safety level relies on individual locations, but in general, being farther from the coast and at higher altitudes is preferable.

128. How will the Gulf of Mexico fare?

Unfortunately, it will not fare well. The Gulf of Mexico is situated at a very low altitude, leaving it vulnerable. It can be likened to ducks in a shooting gallery. It is advisable to relocate to the interior of the United States for better safety. Mexico, on the other hand, will experience the slosh-back effect.

129. How would eastern Oklahoma fare at an elevation of 900 ft?

It could potentially be okay, depending on the surrounding terrain. If you are situated on a hill in relation to the surrounding area, there is a good chance of being safe, particularly if there are numerous hills ahead of the wavefront.

130. Is it possible that the unlocking will not occur and the tilt will not take place?

Yes, it is possible, but highly unlikely considering the abundance of evidence and historical accounts. This includes the presence of alternating layers of polar and tropical fossils and debris. However, it should be noted that there is an argument presented in “The Covenant of the Rainbow” from the Bible. We can hope that this event will not be as severe, but regardless, we cannot overlook the significant consequences of a global power outage, which is highly probable.

131. What will be our warning time?

In the case of a solar flare that disrupts our power grids, the warning time is likely a couple of hours. As for the nova event, it may be preceded by the Sun turning red and then black, providing approximately three days to seek shelter. Once we are impacted by the shell, a superstorm is generated, resulting in induced currents that extend down to the core and unlock the low-velocity zone, which connects the crust to the mantle.

132. How about the West Coast and the mountains? Could they provide sufficient protection?

The West Coast will bear the full force of the waves, and the presence of fault zones combined with reactivated volcanoes adds to the potential risks. There are undoubtedly much safer locations to consider.

133. Is there any effect on Earth by the Photon belt?

No, in reality, there is no Photon Belt as described in New Age beliefs. It is possible that there is confusion with the Electron Belt, which is approximately 25 light-years away, closer to the galactic center. The electrons in that region emit photons, but they have no direct effect on us.

134. Are the changes to the magnetic field surrounding Earth affecting animals?

Yes, they are having a significant impact. We have observed it affecting birds, whales, turtles, and other mammals that rely on magnetic fields for navigation. Currently, it is not a major factor overall, but it will eventually start to affect fish as well, becoming a challenge for species like geese. However, certain species may possess the ability to adapt to these changes, which could help alleviate the consequences.

135. Was the climate collapse in 536 related to any solar cycles?

Yes, that would be the 1,500-year cycle, and it was quite destructive to life. The temperature in summer fell by about 2.0 degrees Celsius, crops failed, and snow fell in China during the summer.

136. How deep do you have to be to survive the nova?

You do not have to be very deep, but deep enough to protect from radiation. An earthen home-style shelter with a couple of feet of dirt on top should be good. Going very deep could be a problem due to earthquakes, as there will be a global earthquake when the crust unlocks. The deeper you go, there could be geothermal vents that open. Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s) could be a big problem, as you could actually be trapped in them due to earthquakes, etc.

137. What is the timing of everything?

Initially, there will be a flash that contains the cosmic rays, but the change occurs when the shell hits Earth’s atmosphere some 16-18 hours later. This is when the induced currents travel into Earth and cause the decoupling of the mantle and crust. The earthquakes come first as the mantle and crust unlock, and then the oceans and lakes continue to move over the land surfaces.

138. What evidence of the shift and nova are we now seeing?

These events occur every 12,000 years, and we are currently at that point. We are observing everything that we would expect to see if this timing is correct. Earth’s magnetic field is shifting, with the magnetic poles moving and the magnetic field that protects the Earth weakening. The Ionosphere, which is a layer of ions between the magnetic field and the atmosphere, is showing sustained perturbations despite a slight decline in solar activity. We are observing affected jet streams, an acceleration in Earth’s rotation breaking speed records, and modifications in animal and bird navigation. We are also witnessing changes in all other planets that indicate a shift in the solar system. There are changes in the Sun, both in terms of its chemistry and magnetic fields. Additionally, we have observed nearby stars going nova, just as we would expect upon entering the galactic magnetic sheet.

139. Would titanium tooth implants be a problem from an induction process?

No, titanium is not a good conductor of electricity; therefore, currents cannot be induced in it.

140. Are there increasing volcanoes now?

Answer: No, not in 2022. There were more volcanoes during the 2011 to 2015 period. Over several centuries, we are actually at a record low. On the other hand, we will begin seeing more volcanoes as we get closer to the event.

141. Will the Dominican Republic be survivable due to cold?

It will definitely be much colder after the flip since it will be closer to the South Pole. The waves will be very bad for the island nations in this area. It is not a good place to be.

142. How about the outlook for Washington and Oregon?

This area will be very bad. Earthquakes will be horrible due to all the fault lines, and the coastal areas will experience huge waves as well.

143. When does the cold hit?

The nova is what creates the dust in the atmosphere and between the Sun and Earth, resulting in the formation of volcanoes that spew large amounts of dust and ash, thus blocking more sunlight. Additionally, there will be significant amounts of water in the atmosphere from evaporation caused by the initial flash. The duration of the cold may not be excessively long due to a potential super flare uptick.

144. Where will the new equator be?

The additional weight caused by ice will primarily be on Greenland and Antarctica, resulting in the new equator being roughly located near the Bay of Bengal and slightly to the west of upper South America.

145. How long will the crustal shift take?

Roughly a day, maybe more. There may be accelerations that are strong enough to knock you off balance. It is really difficult to say for certain, but we should be prepared for the worst. Afterward, it could take up to a week for the waters to settle down.

146. How about the New Madrid area?

Earthquakes are expected due to the fault zone, and ocean water will easily flow up the Mississippi River. The further inland and higher you are, the better.

147. How accurate is the 1992 Michael Scallion Doomsday Map of the United States?

It is a good guesstimate, probably. However, it is important to note that it is speculative because no one can accurately predict how the terrain will be modified by upheavals, subductions, and melting.

Please find the papers below:

Gordon Michael Scallion Flood Map USA

Gordon Michael Scallion Flood Map World

148. How will Hawaii come out in the flip?

Hawaii and Egypt are likely to be the axis of the tilt. After the tilt, not every part of the world changes by the same amount of latitude, indicating that the axis is essentially spinning rather than actually changing its position. The concern is that this time, we believe the shell will collide with the Pacific and result in an arc discharge. However, this is still a guesstimate.

149. What happened during the last shift with the oceans?

During the last shift, the Gulf of Mexico did not extend into the US; instead, the Pacific Ocean flowed through the Rockies. The last time the shell collided with the Americas and caused devastation was 12,000 years ago. The impactors from that period could potentially align with the asteroid/comet theories proposed by today’s archaeologists.

150. Will the atmosphere be breathable, the water drinkable, and will deserts change?

The questions about the atmosphere and water are linked to volcanic dust and particulate matter. Sulfuric acid will contaminate both the air and water, but it will not be unmanageable. The air will remain breathable; however, in certain areas, there may be significant deposits of ash due to volcanic activity, which can be harmful to the lungs. It would be advisable to filter water if it becomes excessively contaminated. Some deserts will undergo changes while others may remain unaffected; this will depend on their specific locations and the new configuration. Overall, the Earth’s conditions will undergo dramatic transformations, most likely.

151. What if, for some reason, we do not experience the nova or polar flip? Are we okay?

Answer: One crucial factor we must not disregard is that we are currently running out of time as a modern civilization. We are overdue for a super flare that has the potential to disrupt our power grids. Such an event alone would drastically alter our world and result in the deaths of billions of people due to starvation and dehydration. It is estimated that in the United States alone, three weeks after the power outage, 60% of the population would perish due to the lack of water and food. After one year, 90% or more of the population would face the same fate. Please refer to the paper below for further details. Please find the support document below:

From Solar Origins to Risks and Hazards Evolving in Time

152. Are there any major updates on the pole movements?

No, if you notice GPS failures and grounded planes, it would indicate a significant change in the speed of pole movement. In the event of an acceleration, there would be frequent updates to the pole positions in the aviation industry, and it would likely raise alarm bells.

153. Are most of the doomsday maps accurate?

No, since most of them are very different. While some might be accurate, it is impossible to know for certain. We can make estimates based on current ground elevations; however, when the crust unlocks, there will be significant land upheavals in some areas and land plunges in other locations. We must assume that most maps are simply the best estimate of known factors by the individuals or groups that created them.

154. Does it seem like the solar upticks are not going back down, even though the 5.9 or 2.9 to 3.0 month half-peak cycle is over?

Actually, this is expected since we are currently in the Sunspot maximum. It is not expected for the upticks to go all the way back down. We should anticipate this pattern to continue for the next 2-3 years, considering that it is now 2023.

155. What are the chances we will make it to the nova and pole flip without any other problems?

The weakening of the magnetic field will likely create a vulnerability for solar flares to disrupt our power grids. Furthermore, there is knowledge that the global elite have planned to reduce the world’s population, which provides little incentive on their part to protect our power grids from solar flares or any other catastrophe that could be utilized for population reduction.

156. Do you think government agencies will be reliable in providing the truth about the upcoming changes?

Some of the journal editors could be trustworthy. However, NASA and some other government organizations have been instructed to withhold information from third parties, indicating a desire to keep the impending disaster quiet. The political elites lack the incentive to prioritize the well-being of the people.

157. What was the Charlemagne Event?

In 775 AD, the Earth experienced the strongest recorded solar particle storm known as the Charlemagne Event. Evidence reveals significant weather changes and temperature declines of up to 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit in the northern hemisphere. The event had such magnitude that it caused a substantial increase in radioactive Carbon-14 captured in tree rings. Additionally, changes were observed in the composition of ice cores collected at both poles, and the Earth’s ozone layer was profoundly impacted for a period of two years.

158. How will our weakening magnetic field affect artificial intelligence?

As our magnetic field continues to weaken, it will permit higher levels of cosmic radiation to enter our atmosphere. This radiation can and will impact circuit density, leading to unexplained errors and malfunctions. We can expect an increase in the need for system hardening against radiation and EMP (electromagnetic pulse) effects.

159. How certain is the pole shift and nova? Some skeptics claim there is no evidence.

Large-scale disasters of this nature do not typically come with such extensive warning and supporting evidence. Multiple events have emerged to validate the evidence. Many scientists now firmly believe in the reality and certainty of these phenomena. The scientific foundation is strong, and no alternative explanation covers all the evidence gathered worldwide. The effects witnessed in other stars further confirm the sequential progression of events we can expect to experience. Core samples, magma samples, and advanced weathering can only be accounted for by this evidence. Recurrent nova events are triggered by two factors: a magnetic impact or the accumulation of material in the solar atmosphere. The current sheet we are entering offers both simultaneously. We are presently in the midst of this process. The increasing presence of dust aligns with expectations, and the evidence overwhelmingly supports the inevitability of these events. Numerous conditions are documented in our PDF Library.

160. With the massive solar flare covering the Earth with gamma radiation, will this destroy all remaining life on the planet?

No, it is evident that we have experienced such events before, numerous times in fact, and life continues to thrive on Earth. Evidence indicates that less than approximately 4% of species become extinct among the millions of species on the planet. However, there will be elevated radiation levels in certain areas, causing DNA damage and resulting in changes. Nonetheless, this particular event should not be considered a worst-case scenario.

161. What should you do if you are sensitive to solar activity from a physiological standpoint?

Individuals who are sensitive to solar activity may experience an increase in cardiac events, strokes, and even mental effects. Autoimmune diseases, seizures, depressive episodes, and a potential rise in crime are likely to occur as the magnetosphere continues to weaken leading up to the event. If you are sensitive to solar activity, it is advisable to monitor your health closely, take necessary precautions, and seek medical attention if needed.

162. What about the theory that some have proposed regarding the advanced stage of movement of the magnetic poles and the notion that we are approaching a rapid flip once we reach 40% and then swiftly reaching the final 90% point?

This baseless theory has been debunked on numerous occasions, and the individuals promoting this deception have been persistently engaged in such practices for a prolonged period. They consistently fail to accurately predict dates and continually fabricate their theories. Their scientific claims hold no validity. It is truly disheartening that certain individuals would exploit and deceive people, seeking to profit from a matter of great significance. These individuals can be rightly described as charlatans.

163. What are some of the changes we observe in our solar system?

Voyager, positioned at the edge of our solar system, has already detected the impact of the galactic sheet’s stellar shock fronts on the heliosphere and their entry into the solar system. Pluto experienced the collapse of its atmosphere in recent years. Neptune witnessed storm reversals, with hurricanes moving in the opposite direction, indicative of polar reversals. Uranus, similar to Neptune, has witnessed record storms and auroras, but no reversals have been observed thus far. Saturn typically experiences a superstorm every 30 years, but one occurred 10 years earlier, suggesting a possible magnetic change. Jupiter has exhibited the most significant changes, including the fading of its big red spot, disappearance and reappearance of its cloud bands, and alterations in its radiofrequency caused by accelerated electrons in its magnetic field. As we turn our attention to the inner solar system, we have detected an increase in interstellar pickup ions and energetic neutral atoms, which align with expectations related to the galactic current sheet. Mars has undergone substantial climate changes surpassing those on Earth, and its seismic activity has significantly intensified, breaking records. Recent findings indicate that Mars’s mantle is alive and active. On Earth, we observe changes in the magnetosphere, ionosphere, rotation, and speed. Venus’s fastest winds have increased by 30%. We are anticipating changes to commence on Mercury. There is also a noticeable presence of additional dust within the solar system, including around the Sun. Furthermore, there have been alterations in the coronal chemistry of the Sun and changes in its magnetic fields.  Please find the paper below:

Evidence for Distinctive Changes in the Solar Wind Helium Abundance in Solar Cycle 24

164. What is the connection with the global warming crowd? What is the issue?

Approximately 33% of climate concerns revolve around the Arctic ozone layer. They cannot attribute the warming solely to ozone-depleting gases, as their levels have been declining for years. The reality is that solar protons and energetic electrons play a much larger role in ozone destruction. This effect is amplified by the weakening of Earth’s magnetic field. As a result, we observe the presence of rare colors in the Aurora, such as pink, which indicates deeper penetration. Interestingly, we have not witnessed stronger solar storms, suggesting that the weakening of the magnetic fields is the underlying cause. 

Please find the paper below:

The Role of Geomagnetic Field Intensity in Late Quaternary Evolution of Humans and Large Mammals

165. What signs will we have just before the nova?

We will have just a few days before the nova when the Sun turns red, indicating the need to seek underground shelter. When the Sun turns black, the nova is imminent. However, once the earthquakes commence, it is crucial to evacuate any underground structures, as the earthquakes will be unlike anything modern humanity has experienced.

166. Can a microwave be used as a Faraday cage?

It is possible, but it would need to be properly grounded.

167. If Europe and Africa experience the flash and the Pacific receives the impactors, does that imply that the unlocking and shifting process will commence in the evening and overnight in the United States?

Yes, that is correct!      

168. Where are we in the solar cycle in 2023?

We have approximately 2-3 years remaining in the sunspot maximum phase, after which it will start to decline. However, it is important to note that there will still be chances of solar activity impacting us.

169. Could we harness the energy from the nova to create a shield against it?

No, even if it were technically feasible, constructing something of that scale would require decades. The main issue lies in determining the direction of the magnetic fields associated with the nova, and even then, it would be highly chaotic and constantly changing.

170. What is the “Thunderbolt of the Gods” or a super bolt that has been discussed in mythology?

It is when the magnetosphere is pushed closer to the planet. It can occur when the Sun-facing side of the Earth’s magnetosphere is compressed further in than on the back (night) side. During the Carrington Event in 1859, we almost saw this happen (modeling). The lowest level L-shells were almost compressed and saturated to the point they almost arced down and discharged. These discharges literally burn and melt rock when they are compressed so far down that they actually discharge to the ground. We do have evidence where this has occurred.

171. What is the difference between a solar micronova that occurs in a sunspot maximum vs a sunspot minimum?

You cannot have a sunspot maximum micronova because it is not a release of the outermost accumulation of dust. In a sunspot maximum, flares and CMEs, etc., are releasing all that energy, and it cannot build up to a pinnacle. The two ways a micronova occurs are a magnetic jolt or an accumulation of dust to build an outer shell. The galactic current sheet provides both the magnetic kick and the dust that is necessary.

172. What is the 6,000-year event?

These events are not driven by a full magnetic reversal or a major pole excursion. They are more like mini excursions with significant magnetic movement. They are considered minor events compared to the 12,000-year event.

173. What happened that we saw such a significant change in the Aurora in April 2023?

It appears that we are observing a more rapid change than anticipated. The last storm should not have produced such a deep and colorful Aurora as what we saw.

174. How much longer, past 2023, will cell phone and internet connections be viable due to interference?

Hopefully, we will make it through the next few years without major issues due to the solar maximum. After that, we will be entering a solar minimum for 5-6 years, followed by the next solar maximum. There is really no way to be sure.

175. Does it matter about the polarity of the solar wind when we are hit?

Yes, depending on the polarity angle, the Earth could either deflect the plasma or couple with it, causing more damage.

176. Do people react differently to electrical charges?

Definitely. There have been studies testing hundreds of physically healthy and physically unhealthy individuals, as well as subgroups of people with positive and negative attitudes. The study involved lightly touching them with a low electrical charge, and there were varying reactions. Some barely responded, while others were sent into a tailspin, dropping to their knees. It appears that people have a far better chance of survival if they have a positive attitude and a physically healthy body. Even among the unhealthy, a positive attitude resulted in a better response to the shock.

177. Is airline traffic in 2023 experiencing any dangers from increased radiation due to our weakened magnetosphere?

Yes, cosmic ray-induced failures are a major concern for the electronic system reliability of airborne and space systems. High-voltage power converters suffer from Single Event Burnout failures caused by cosmic rays. Solar energetic particle storm fluxes vastly exceed the recommended standards and pose a risk to the reliability of power electronics.

178. Will we see airline travel changed in the future?

There will likely be significant changes in the near future, such as the hardening of electronics and control systems to withstand cosmic rays and CMEs. Aircraft will probably install shielding to help protect passengers. However, at some point, people may start reducing their travel to minimize their exposure to harmful radiation.

179. Shouldn’t the 12,000-year cycle be 12,960 years (half the great year 25,920)?

No, this is based on precession only. You have to consider the Apsidal Precession as well, and when combined, they amount to somewhere between 23,000 to 24,000 years.

180. With the weakening of the magnetosphere, should we expect disruption in the jet stream and ocean flow?

Absolutely, and we are witnessing that.

181. Are we in the Galactic Current Sheet now?

Yes, we have entered it, most likely around 1859 (The Carrington Event). It is when we reach the center point that dust accumulates in the Sun’s outer shell, which will eventually be blown off in the Nova event.

182. Now in 2023, should we be concerned about the extra UV yet?

UV has increased somewhat obviously, however, it is not yet substantial enough to be concerning. We are observing changes in the thermosphere, jet stream, and ocean currents.

183. Will mountain tops be a good location to live?

No, the tops of mountains will experience hellacious lightning and higher levels of radiation from the Sun. While you may be safe from water, the lightning will be vicious. Being at a mid-level or below will be far better.

184. Is it true that the Earth’s core normally spins faster than the mantle, and the core has slowed down?

No, we know that the core rotates in conjunction with the other inner layers.

185. Which bodies of water are a concern in this cycle for the US?

This upcoming event will originate from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.

186. What is the inner core of the Earth made of?

The inner core is in a “superionic state” and composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. It is unlike any solid or liquid form. The solidification of iron at the inner core boundary does not affect the mobility of these light elements, and the convection of light elements within the inner core remains continuous.

187. Could the oil in the Earth’s crust act as a lubricant during the period of massive earthquakes associated with the crustal shift?

No, at just 7 miles down, the crustal temperature reaches 350 degrees Fahrenheit and above. Since the crust is much deeper compared to the mantle, even if oil were present, it would be degraded at that point.

188. Is it a safe approximation to assume that the US will be in the approximate location that Australia is in after the flip?

Yes, it will be close, maybe a little further south, but it will not have the same climate.

189. As we get closer to the reversal, will Sunspot max and min have an effect on it?

Yes, after we leave Sunspot maximum and enter minimum, there will be a relative cooling compared to Sunspot maximum.

190. Do higher intensity solar flares arrive at Earth sooner?

Yes, for example, the Carrington Event of 1859 is thought to have been an X30 to X50 range flare and struck Earth approximately 17 hours later. With our weakened magnetosphere, we could be struck by an X100 to X1000 flare, and it could arrive within one to five hours, leaving us little to no time to prepare.


191. How large was the Carrington Event Solar Flare?

It has been pegged at about an X80, which is very large. In 2004 the Earth experienced an X40, and fortunately it was moderate in duration and delivered a less-than-expected CME magnetic field.

192. What magnitude Solar flare is required for a kill shot to the Earth?

Normally, without a weakened magnetic shield it would require something in the range of an X50, however now in 2023 probably something in the range of an X30 could do it. Keep in mind even a couple of X20s in a row could be just as deadly.

193. What effect could we expect with increased radiation from solar storms due to our weakened magnetosphere?

We will experience extra cosmic rays affecting our brains especially the Locus Coeruleus portion, which cause increased responses to panic, fear, and stress that will lead to heightened levels of each. The increased radiation will lead to higher cancer rates and heart problems.

194. When the Earth tilts over, will we be jolted to the deck?

No, but before it begins there will be massive earth quakes and people could likely jolted off your feet from the initial slip of the crust from the mantle. The acceleration (which is what you feel) will be minor, but over the following hours possibly speeding up to a couple of hundred miles per hour. Keep in mind, if you are at the equator today, you are traveling at approximately 1,015 miles per hour.  This is velocity, not acceleration, your body can detect acceleration but not speed.

195. How can there be ice core samples with hundreds of thousands or millions of year-old ice if this event occurs every 12,000 years, wouldn’t the ice melt?

A major point of contention is that the dating process is seriously flawed. Commonly used methods include Oxygen, Carbon, and Chlorine isotopes, which vary wildly when testing ice. The best and most accurate method is using Krypton isotopes. A classic example is the Tibetan Plateau ice caps, which were initially thought to be a minimum of 500,000 years old using Chlorine isotopes. However, with Krypton dating, the maximum age is now believed to be 17,000 years.

Additionally, tropical glaciers exist today in Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, New Guinea, Peru, Tanzania, and Venezuela. Furthermore, much of Greenland is situated between 6,000 feet to 10,000 feet plus in elevation, and most of Antarctica is between 6,000 feet to 12,000 feet plus. At these elevations and with the depth of snow and ice, they will not melt at the Equator.

196. How do we know that the Solar flash will cause the decoupling of the Earth’s crust and mantle?

We know that today solar storms can induce currents all-the-way down into the mantle. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that with such a massive flash during the event, it will induce a geochemical response in these two regions, triggering unlocking and reduced viscosity in this zone. The RAND Corporation, the Pentagon, Chan Thomas, Einstein, and many others calculated the evidence and concluded that Greenland would shift south to the equator, and Antarctica would shift north to the equator, leaving the new poles near India and South America. Guess what? They are headed to those locations now.

197. Are there geologic or palaeoclimatological data that show patterns and severity of the disaster cycles?

We seem to never have two really bad cycles in a row. 72,000 years ago was really bad, 60,000 years ago was moderately bad. 48,000 years ago was bad but 36,000 years ago was and 24,000 years ago was not so bad. 12,000 years ago was very bad so hopefully this next one will not be as bad.

198. How much colder do Heinrich events get compared to now?

Generally, about 2 to 8 degrees colder worldwide.

199. What is the first sign to be aware of and seek shelter underground as we approach the event?

When the Sun turns black it is time to get underground because, within a couple of days, the Sun will Nova. When the ground begins to shake, get above ground unless you are in a very solid bunker, and not too far underground because the earthquakes will be vicious. After that, weather conditions will dictate going underground. Massive hail storms, wind, and temperature changes will follow.

200. What is the mechanism to flip the Earth’s crust back in 24,000 years?

It is the ice buildup on the new poles that will be repositioned in this coming event, the same mechanism.

201. What are some of the future signs we will see as the event approaches?

We now see the Aurora moving deeper south and we should expect more of this movement further down in latitude.  New information on the ionosphere will be delayed but we could also see more extreme fluctuations in the jet stream, and Increased intensity of storms and abnormal weather patterns. More intense radiation as the Magnetosphere weakens. Animal and bird life will display changes in migration, strange habits. Increased cell and internet outages, GPS issues.

202. Will we get updates on the pole locations and magnetosphere strength?

We will continue to get pole location data but they have ceased providing magnetosphere information for obvious reasons.

203. How many people are expected to survive the coming event?

Clearly, it is only a guess but possibly 5% to 10% of the population. We know from past events, civilizations came back slowly and unfortunately most people are very dependent on easy access to food, water and shelter. It would be challenging if only electricity was removed, let alone major catastrophic events.

204. How long after the event will it remain cold and snow?

There are varying opinions on this. It could be weeks or a few months to a year or more. There will be massive snow and ice deposition from the flash that evaporates ocean water. The longest estimates are based on the theory that the Earth will stop rotation and reverse direction, however, this would seem very improbable.